All natural
Herbal / Hand & Body Lotion
A Blend of Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme. Antiseptic, antibacterial. Soothing, refreshing Puts moisture back into dry skin.$24.00 Select options -
Aluminum free and talc and free from artificial preservatives or additives. Perfume, Calming, Relaxing$14.50 Select options -
Perfume, Calming, Relaxing, Ladies or Gents The worlds most favorite scent, refreshing, sweet calming perfume of pure essential Lavender Oil with its Antiseptic, Antifungal Properties. Made from All Natural Ingredients makes this deodorant the perfect choice, Purse or Pocket size is perfect when travelling.$8.00 – $16.00 Select options -
NATURAL LAVENDER DEODORANT NO PRESERVATIVES NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIVES ARE YOU ALKALINE SENSITIVE.?? OUR BODIES ARE LIKE TREES.... SOME LIKE ACID... SOME LIKE ALKALINE. Sometimes if you are taking medication it can change the chemistry of your body, making your skin sensitive to certain Essential Oils, Acids etc. Sodium bicarbonate can cause a reaction if you are alkaline sensitive, " Hence giving you a RASH " if this is so, you could TRY THIS DEODORANT FREE FROM ALKALINE &  FREE FROM ALUMINIUM.$8.00 – $16.00 Select options -
Lavender - Massage Oil. Relaxing, Calming, Helps to soothe aches & pains. Antiseptic, Anti fungal properties.$24.00 Select options -
Lavender / Hand & Body Lotion
Antiseptic, Anti fungal properties. A Soothing gentle moisturizer with avocado oil helps skin stay soft and supple.$24.00 Select options -
Lavender Air Freshener
Anti-bacterial, Antiseptic Air Freshener / Linen mist spray Pure Lavender Essential Oil makes this a Calming Floral scent for any room.$18.00 Select options